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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Yes, nice to meet you Pint. HM had to be the stand out for me too although the Emersons (porter) shone through as well.
Last night after work:
Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA - New imports, so fresh, strong resiny american hops.
Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter - My third in two days, a testament to this beers amazingness.
Sam Adams Imperial White - Sickly Sweet, alcoholic, no good.

@ Malthouse
Golden Ticket Exchange Student - Nice hoppy aroma, but lacking in flavour and balance.
Too much, as per usual, but happy to be back from OZ where there craft beer was all a bit too malty and there hops all a bit too dull. Did have an excellent afternoon at the Wig and Pen (photos soon) and the odd good beer.

The Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale was probably as stand out as, besides for the Little Creatures, it was the old beer that your could really taste the hops in.

I feel sorry for the Aussies with their "Pride of Ringwood"...there is some rave about the Galaxy but it has nothing on our NZ varieties and for that reason even their craft beers are lacking.

Tried a Duke in Brissie which is probably the best on offer at the top of the country. Saw a lot of Stone and Wood lager, but never buy a lager as a matter of choice.

Saw A LOT of Epic, and, sadly Montieths, there seems to be some amount of marketing going into the Monieth brand over there. Of interest, the few good beer bars selling Moneiths (???) are betting that describing the style than they are!!
Yes the Matailda Bay Alpha wasn't too bad by 'strayan standards but to be brutally honest I thought it was a poor mans epic. Sadly after Little Creatures (& ahem, Coopers) its a long way down to a sea of bland lagers and mid strength/gold rubbish with precious few craft breweries for such a big country.
Had my fourth and fifth Gonzo's this week, after a couple of quenching Renaissance Discovery APA's after a long night's work.
Gonzo = Magic. It tastes like green.
Tried the Dux Sou'wester last night and it had a strong vomit aroma. My wife told my not to drink it due to the foul smell but I persisted. The beer was 'OK', just a bit 'vomitty'.

What causes the vomit aroma? Bacteria? Old hops? or just plain old vomit? I'm hoping there's a lesson in beer faults somewhere in this experience. Any ideas?
In a nut shell Vomit aroma is poor attention to detail!!! Probably a touch of acetic acid oxydation and Acetylahdyde hows that for flavour!!
Sweet afternoon at the Malthouse:

Golden Ticket - Quite enjoyed it. I thought it was very similar to the Tuatara PA but with a lot more bitterness. Well done lads!
HM 2009 - Still No.1 in my opinion!
Brew Dog Punk - Yum. Loved the grapefruit marmalade aroma
Harrington's Pig n Whistle - Meh. Didn't really toot my whistle any. Too much marmite...
Tuatara Hefe - Top form. I had bananas from start to finish.

It was a shame the arvo came to an end, alas work beckons...
you're going to try and work after all that!
Sam! Dont discourage the beer drinkers!!! They are supporting a craft industry :)

....(a bit like roof thatchers, but more fun)
We got a bit carried away. It was Colin's fault, he shouldn't provide consumers with such an enticing product.
i wasn't telling him to stop drinking, he should stop working!


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