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Does anyone here have experience with the yeast that comes with the Macs kits. I have used the kist in the past but never used the yeast under the lid.

My gut feeling is to throw it away unless someone can someone can convince me otherwise.

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Used them when I first started out around Dec last year, seemed fine and they produced some decently average homebrew beer. Then again, I had no idea about anything then...
No idea, never used it.

You could always throw it into the boil as a yeast nutrient, I've heard of that being done but never tried it.
They are all mostly Saf ale yeasts. For example, when I called them to find out - the yeast that came with the "hoppy" Macs Pale Ale (with Saaz) the yeast was SafBrew S-33.
I have used the yeast once in an emergency. I recall that it is Saff - that is why you get 11g instead of the usual 5 or 7. I must asmit when I used it it turned out OK...


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