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For the benefit of those of us who weren't able to be in Wellington last night, how were all the multifarious beers?? And will there be any left for me to try when I'm in town next Wednesday?



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Bloody lovely, i could still taste the hops two hours later...dreamt about them last night and i'm heading back to the Malthouse in 17 minutes!
Hi Martin, was all good fun. The Armageddon ran out on Friday night and the Maximus Humulus Lupulus went out on Saturday.... however there will be more coming early in the week- so you should be sorted on Wednesday.
Delicious. And Luke was worried about them being hard to sell. Really, both were just excellent. I quite enjoyed the 50/50 blend. Both were very different beasts, and I have to admit to preferring the Armageddon (or at least I kept finding myself ordering pints of it), but the MHL was also a fantastic beer.
Will these beers be available in Auckland?
Yes I think we might be doing a launch of these later in the week. It will be on at Hallertau, and also on at Galbraith's once a tap comes free.

Currently they are sold out at the Malthouse, but frantically trying to source some more kegs today. I would really like to be trying some when in Wellington again tomorrow.
I'm hoping for some more of the same this weekend! Mmmm need hop goodness....bland beer baaaaad!
I managed to grab a pint of the Maximus Humulus Lupulus (as well as the NHC Bock) at The Malthouse on Wednesday. It was great to meet Colin as well as a few of the local SOBA crowd.

I then managed to sample all 3 beers at Hallertau today. Wow - what a stunning selection! I'm going to sit down with takeaway bottles of all 3 tonight (sorry Mr Bank Manager) and try and do some serious tasting, but first impressions were:
- Bock is a beautifully-balanced beer with tons of malt, bit of chocolate
- Armageddon annhilates the senses. Colossal in every sense of the word
- MHL is a little more restrained and a bit more earthy.

Superb work chaps.

Whats the status of the Armageddon and MHL at the Malthouse this week??????
Hi Chris,

hoping to have the beers back on either tuesday or wednesday- this could well be the last we see of it, so get yourself in for a pint or three.
Both Hallertau and Epic challenge beers back on today at Malthouse
hopefully they last the weekend


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