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Made a clone of Maple Wheat last night. In hindsight, maybe should have done the mini-mash version cuz I think it came out too expensive. As things usually go when you drink and brew... I had a boilover in a pot that was too small, pitched yeast when it was too hot, and later could'nt find a spot warm enough in the house for the ferment.
Anyway, here's a couple questions:
1. Is there any place in NZ that sells DME in bulk size?
2. When all ingredients are tossed into boiling water, does the clock start at that point or when it comes back up to a boil again.

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I've never seen DME in anything but the overpriced 500gm bags - $20 a kg is outrageous !

Yup - if you go off the boil, stop the clock and restart it when your boil restarts

Cheers, jt
Mike @ Brewers Co-op in Auckland sells it for $17.80 a kg, but still, I'm sticking with Muntons LME where possible.
That's better. i've only ever seen the Muntons or repackaged Muntons locally.
Perhaps he's buying bulk or Bintani DME from Aussie ?
Nah, it's the the Brewcraft repackaged Muntons stuff. Yeah, I was surprised too :)
Just bought 2kg of it from him (+ some speciality grains, s-05 & w-34/70 which no-one in ChCh stocks?!), and even with shipping down to here, it comes out pretty much the same just in DME savings.
Try Your Shout Linwood as Paul supplied LME, speciality grains and W-34/70 to me last week, although I did get the last pack of yeast.
I've thought about trying to organise a bulk-buy DME but I'm useless at that sorta stuff and I dunno if it would be worthwhile.

1. I dunno about DME in bulk, but I'd doubt it, I know you can get bulk LME through Lion's croud (JT, think you mentioned this on the old forum, maybe you could chip in?).

2. I'd start the boil counter when the actual wort comes to a boil. AFAIK, the reasons for timing the boil are to estimate the boil off and to be able to calculate the bitterness extraction from the hops. Probably a few other reasons but I've had a few tonight and those are the things that come to mind.
I think that was bulk LME Glen. I can't remember seeing DME anywhere other than in a 500gm bag
Yeah, that's what I was talking about, the bulk LME from http://www.maltexo.co.nz/, was it you who was talking about purchasing from them? I can't remember now haha.
Oh yea, that's right. I
did consider buying the bulk LME, a long time ago but decided it could get messy.
It's still available on the brewcraft website for $160 for 28 kg - works out at 5.72 a kg which is good value. You'd need to buy the honeygate, from, memory that wa another $30
DME is expensive alright, I use it for starters when im out of stored wort, which is why I run off about 1.5-2 litres of wort after each boil for the next starter, its good to have some DME in the cupboard though.
In saying that, lately ive been experimenting for a couple of months now using brewcraft converters to propogate yeast, I know it may not be the best medium for yeast propogation but with a spot of wyeast nutrient I have no complaints with the turnout or the price.

With extract brewing wouldnt LME be cheaper? or is it pretty much the same.
LME is heaps cheaper, effectively half the cost for the same points. I just stocked up on a bit of DME 'cause it ain't going to go off like LME and it'll be handy to have around to chuck a little into a recipe or help propagate/start yeast where needed, without the hassle of needing to use a full tin of LME. For all that though, I'm using LME where I can. $12.60 for 1.8kg Muntons kit... ($14 from Your-shout + 10% Uni Brewing Club discount)
What I did for starters was buy about 2 kg of the el cheapo LME that Brewer's Coop sells and then divide it into 200g amounts into zip lock bags and then chucked them in the freezer. Perfect for making starters or jumping the OG of a brew up by a couple of points.

Was very messy and I don't know if I'll be bothered again but worked out quite well otherwise.


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