I just put an order in for one!! I it should turn up when Im ready to do a 40L Batch of the stuff!! Just got to Think of a recipe? Reserve Old Ale 40L so I still have plenty in a few years!! as Reviled points out I do Drink my Big beers far to quick!!
Dunno but it sounds intriguing.. One thing id be worried about is how much Brett is viable in comparison to the yeast by the time it gets to your doorstep.. And whats to stop the brett taking hold right from the start?? Scary stuff :oP
Not at all. Brett is comparitively a slow fermenter anyway, like months slower than Cerivisae - so in the small amount of time the Cerivisae annhialates the wort, the Brett has bugger all in the way of fermentables to consume... but then comes the bottle conditioning! I think in the End - your SG, and FG and ABV will have a massive role in the formulation of the recipe of your Old Ale... but I do think that this is a gereration 1 only yeast... I doubt that even making a starter and splitting it out to a bunch of gen 1's will be as effective.
Yeah I was thinking that, was considering to offer going halves on a smack pack, but what if some pure brett got split off?? Even tho chances are probably low, could still be possible?
I have my doubts, but indeed if there was a yeast trade to be made here - going halves would be the only way to do it... like make a 2L starter and pitch 1 L each type of thing...