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I like writing "official thread". It makes me feel like I can now sue people wanting to use those words in combination a la Rugby World Cup or London Olympics! But no, we at SOBA don't really do evil too well. We do beer though, which brings me to:
After a lot of mucking about on my part (for which I humbly apologise) and the fact that most of you already know anyway, I'm officially announcing the SOBA NHC 2012. Head on over to the not-quite-done-yet-but-pretty-sexy website where you can log in using your SOBA login (if you're a member - that's the one you use at http://www.soba.org.nz/member/) or you can use facebook, twitter, or google+ to login. This competition is all cutting edge and social media, and other buzzwords!
One exciting thing about this year's competition is that we have no awards ceremony planned. They are always very regional, and Murphy's Law always dictates that they are as far away as possible from whoever took out Champion Brewer. Instead, we hope to offer value to our sponsors and remove stress from you, our competitors, by announcing the results live to the various social media platforms as they come in! Obviously the "big" winners will still have to wait until everything is tallied up, but medals will be announced as they are judged.
Another change (not yet on the website as we're still working on the points algorithm) is that points will be deducted from non-medal-winning beers. This won't matter to those not competing for the coveted Champion Brewer title, but to those who are, it will mean that entering twenty beers is only a good idea if you're sure they are nearly all of medal winning standard. We think this is a lot more fair to those who enter three beers, and all get gold, versus someone who enters ten beer, gets three silvers, two bronzes, and five drain-pours! ;) Good brewers, nay CHAMPION brewers are consistent brewers, and we want to reward that consistency this year.
A last point is that we've raised the entry fee. I know, I can hear the groaning! To get the top judges we need, we have to be prepared to get them to the competition. Flights ain't cheap, but we thought you'd all prefer judges who really know their beer, and we need to fund that. The good news is that if you are a SOBA member, even if you only join to enter this competition, you'll get a good chunky discount on your entry fee.
Right, that's all from me for now. Remember, you can enter your beers as soon as you like on the website, but official entries open October 13th. We can't accept delivery of beer prior to that date, so if any turns up before then, we'll just drink it! So, feel free to enter now, but don't send any bottles until the 13th!
Greig McGill
Well I just tried it on a different pc and it worked sweet as. Entries all listed n paid for, now to get precious cargo to gotham city unscathed.......
Phil actually fessed up to having broken something, but something which would only have broken for IE8 users. Of which there should be zero. ;)
Kelly is spot on. We know YOUR name already, as you've logged in to enter! :)
ok, so I sampled too much of my Russian Imperial and got the name thing wrong, and cant see how to edit it. have put beer names into notes instead. Can I fix this? Also with 21A spiced beer do you want EVERY spice specified? I"ve put it down as Brown Porter with chai spices.
Nope, just type of spices. Read the recent blog entry on styles on the nhc site. The goal is to ensure the judges know what you were trying to achieve so they can judge against that. When things get "freeform", all the judges can go on is the flavour you say you wanted. If then you say something like "mexican spices" and we get (for example) strong chili and cumin, you're probably on the right track. Chai might be a bit too vague (the word literally translates as "spice" if I remember correctly), but if you say "going for a chai tea impression on top of [base beer style]" we'll be far more likely to know what you meant and thus be able to judge it clearly and objectively.
If you log in, you should be able to edit your previous entries right up until close of entries. Phil has recently added a "Brewer Name" field for when your brew is collaborative, or you have a specific name for your home brewery. This is what will end up on your certificate should you medal and/or get a best in class or other prize.
can change and save notes ok but unable to change beer name. What am I missing apart from computer skills?
Ah, nothing. I was incorrect. Phil's adding the ability to change now (up until we receive the beer - after that, it will be stored labelled in the chiller, and it's too hard to re-do after that). Try again tomorrow.
Don't enter beer after drinking - for the sake of our poor hardworking stewards! ;)
thanks, that worked a treat. now...time for a beer : )
Hey Greig, during what times can beers be dropped off for entry? My workmate's passing through the Tron, and is kindly dropping some beers off for me.
Hi Chris,
Anytime during business hours is fine (9-5). It's my office address...
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